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ELEMENT 1: You have been treated as colleagues and you have been given a great deal of choice in this course; this represents a high level of trust.  Did you and the others deserve it?  Earn it?  Honor it?   The others and I would definitely say we earned it. Whether we did a good job or not, we still stuck to the routine and tried to get stuff done. I tried my hardest to not forget, and though sometimes i wouldnt feel worthy to post, i tried my best. ELEMENT 2: Fiction has been called "the lie that tells the truth."  Which works, authors, or characters did you read this year that rang true enough to make you feel like they described parts of you and/or your journey? (Please mention at least three.  It makes them sad when we forget them.) In this class, we have reached out to so many amazing new topics for me to learn about. I would have to say the music and the dreamland topic really connected to my journey because at that time, i was listening to a lot of emo rap music

Brave New World Essay

     In Brave New World, a character who conforms outwardly but is questioned inwardly would have to be John. John is an alpha who is supposed to be this top dog, in this higher class group, though he was made with a little bit of alcohol in his blood surrogate. Bernard is also different from the alphas because he would rather be alone in nature, and rejects taking soma. In the following passage i will explain how Bernard from Brave New World is closely related to a real human, and how he is different.      Bernard Marx was created an alpha, but had a little alcohol mixed with his blood surrogate. This is the reason why Bernard is pretty much the outcast of the story. He was meant to be the main group of the Brave New World, but only to be rejected by all of them because he doesnt meet the requirements of an alpha. Instead, Bernard is smaller than all the alphas and wishes he could just fit in with them. This makes him become anti-social with all the others, because he is shorter than


- Over the past months of thinking of what my big question should be, i still dont think i got it, but ill just try. I wonder if i can really make it into being a YouTuber/streamer. -While i was on break, i tried to practice recording mre with my camera and being out more, also i ws in Mexico. -I learned that if I do try to become a Youtuber, im going to need a lot of time to edit, render videos, upload and publish the videos. -However, we havent talked about any of these in this course. -What i am doing next to keep this up is also trying to get a schedule to be able to live stream on Twitch.

BNW chapter 15 notes

These children are there to experience death. They just watch because they know everything dies. In the beginning of chapter, John is in the hospital with his deceased mother. When he exited, he saw 162 Deltas lined up to get their soma. John throws the soma out the window and the Deltas start to attack him. Bernard and Helmholts are still in the apartment trying to track down John until suddenly they get a call from the hospital saying John is there and causing trouble. They got there as soon as John threw out the soma and he starts to get attacked. All hell breaks loose and the police have to come in. Soma gas is released for the Deltas and they end up all making love and getting more pills. John, Helmholtz and Bernard get sent into custody by the sergeant


Some people think research is boring because they have to do it for a class, and it's usually about something that's not interesting.  But today I did research and it was awesome.  Here's how I did it. I was just in class, it was a really short day, and I decided to look at whats going on with the internet. I asked myself, what do i really love doing. And so i had very few thoughts, but still, i had some. What i came up with, was gaming and i told myself, "i know i have to give this my best shot. I need to try"  What i saw were people making a living by entertaining other people by playing video games. I thought to myself, "oh wow! this seems like it can be, fun.". I grew up playing video games, and i still enjoy playing them a lot. I think this can be an amazing experience for me since its something that i love to do. I am also really anxious about the future and what it holds for me. I'm not a school person, but i still get my work done, but i find


What i had learned through out my high school years so far is, school is not for everybody. Everybody is interested in something, but not everybody is interested in the same thing. I feel like i know what i personally want, and what i don't want, or at least i think i do. I don't feel motivated to do some of my math work, but when it comes to my science, or history, i do my work because im interested in what goes on. I like the feeling of doing my work, and actually enjoying the time doing that. What i dont like, however, is when i have to complete some work for math because well, i don't enjoy math. Its not that i dont like coming to school, but i just don't feel like math is interesting. There are some people that would die for math, and there people that would die for art because those people are doing what they love. For every minute i spend doing math, i feel like its another minutes of my life being spent in a wrong way. And i just want to let you know that these

BNW ch. 9 notes

after the Indian ceremony, Lenina was uneasy. She felt the need to relax and forget about the feelings she got at the reservation. In order to forget, she took six half grams of soma tablets. This was enough to give her 18 hours before she was out of it. Bernard did not get to sleep that night, instead thought about bringing John and Linda back to London. Bernard left Lenina to sleep so that he can go to Santa Fe to finish his business and come back before she woke up. At 10:47 he was on the phone with Mustaph Mond, the Controller. The Controller agreed to let them go to London. Bernard had to go pick up their permits at the Warden of the Reservations office. At 11:03, Bernard had secured the permits and said"so long" to the warden as the gates were being lifted for him to exit.


When i hear people talking about the book i do get interested because thats something that doesnt interest me. I dont like to read, but i know that everybody's interested in something, and maybe these other people do like reading. So when they talk about the previous chapter, i get to learn myself some more things but i also start to hate myself more. I feel like they're pretty much the teacher because they can actually know what they are talking about. When they have no idea what they are talking about, well then I dont really think about it. I  understand that reading isnt for everybody, but at least they try.


1. Bernard asks John if he wants to go to London with him to embarrass the director and tell him that he's Johns father 2. Linda loves to have sex often with many men, even those who are married. The people at the reservation werent taught to be that free so they punish her. John had to suffer from this too because he felt like he was alone and not accepted by those at the reservation. 3. The pope brings Linda The Complete Works of William Shakespeare 4. John hated the pope, more than anything in the world. He caught Linda and the pope in bed and got furious and started to stab the pope. When the pope grabbed onto Johns hand, he just looked at him and laughed calling him a "brave Ahaiyuta" 5. The allusion is in this " Nay, but to live In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, Stew'd in corruption, honeying and making love Over the nasty sty …"  This refers to Linda in how she is constantly having sex 6. The experiences John that to make him feel alone

My online me

When i searched myself up, pretty much nothing about me came up. Maybe just a facebook link for all the Miguel Sanchez' but nothing else. They were about this baseball player, or this Mexican priest byt i even tried finding me on other search engines and browsers. I tried Chrome, Internet Explorer, DuckDuckGO byt none had anything about me.


Im still a little stuck on what i should be. But im still trying on both. I still need to think if i want to continue with all this youtube and live streaming stuff, or music. I have been making some gameplay so i can upload to maybe get a fan base, but i also have been jotting down some rhymes every once in a while. Its just really hard because of school and time and responsibilities. School pretty much takes up my time. I feel like i want to keep on going byt i cant because im too busy being here at school. Then when school is done, i just feel tired and not energetic. I always think about this, and i mean ALWAYS. I still need better equipment for gaming, so thats why its really hard as well. Im currently investing some money so i can get whatever i need ready.


I manage my choices poorly sometimes, and amazing the others. In the morning, i just wake up, get changed, brush my teeth and get ready to go to school. I dont eat, or anything else, i just follow this exact routine, sometime use the restroom. Also, just before i walk out the door, i put on my lotion for my scarring on my face. I never look forward to going to my first class, NEVER. Reason being is because my teacher is a female dog.

BNW ch.7 notes

Lenina and Bernard are left at Malpais. Lenina doesnt like it there, and shes not a fan of the Indian guide because he smelled off. They follow the guide upwards to a flat deck of stone. 2 little Indian kids come running, both naked with paint on them; Lenina freaks out as she sees this. Lenina is getting uncomfortable, but the kids were carrying snakes which makes her weirded out. They then got to the pueblo and the guidance asks for directions. Lenina doesnt like the lack of cleanliness because, " cleanliness is next to fordliness". Bernard tells her that they never heard of Ford, and that this is the way they are used to living. They then see an old man climbing down a ladder and Lenina gets shocked. She has never seen an old man before.


Me, personally, i do not read when i'm not in school. I usually love reading the lyrics of songs by Lil Peep, just reading them give me this feeling. Its really difficult to explain, but its just me, how i am. The reason i don't read when i'm not at school is because i just get impatient and i get bored. I prefer reading as a class better than me reading in my head because my mind just drifts away. When it drifts away, i just look back at the page and always as myself, " wait, hold up, what did i even just read about" then i look back and just get confused with whats going on in the story. Thats another reason i dont read. Half the time my mind isnt paying attention so i just cant keep up with the story. However, in class, if someone else is reading, i find the book more interesting.

Brave New World ch 6 notes

Lelina is thinking about Bernard, but she finds him odd. Shes thinking whether she should cancel her trip to Mexico but she doesnt. She ends up spending time with him but he isnt a fan of all the popular games and activities saying they are too crowded and hed rather talk to her alone. She ends up convincing him to go to the semi-demi-finals of the Women's Heavy Weight wrestling championship. Bernard was unfriendly to the people she introduced him to and he refused taking soma. She tries to convince him to take soma but he wants her to look at the sky, though she is scared. Bernard wishes he was free, explaining to her that he feels trapped and wants to break free. She doesnt understand and offers him soma again. Bernard gave up and takes the soma. They are then in back of their rooms and take a lot more soma, before they know it, they are having sex

BNW Ch.5 Notes

It is currently 8:00,  Lelina and Henry are leaving the Stroke Poges Club House after playing golf. They get into their helicopter, which is the only way of transportation. The next day was Thursday, which was also Bernard Marx's Solidarity Service Day. He is late and taking a taxi to the Fordson Community Singery, a glowing white building. The clock goes "Ford Ford Ford..." and then Bernard started criticizing people around him. Without looking around, he sat next to Morgana Rothschild and makes an observation on her unibrow. He saw Clara Deterdling who is attractive, but he finds her intimidating. He starts to wish he sat next to Fifi Bradlagh and Joanna Diesal who he finds perfect, but the sear got taken by Tom Kawaguchi.

BNW Ch.4 Notes

Lelina is a popular girl who walks in a room full of Alpha Males. She pretty much spent the night with almost all of them. When she sees George Edzel, she wishes his ears werent so big and when she sees Benito Hoover she remember he is too hairy with his clothes off. Lelina spots a boy named Bernard Marx in a small corner looking sad. In a loud voice, she goes over to him announcing how she wants to go on a trip to New Mexico with him. Bernard agrees with her on the trip, but he was confused as to why she said that in front of everyone. Bernard questioned Lelina about this, but she just giggled and exclaimed, "How funny are you!" They ride a lift together to the top of the roof, but Bernard is no longer in a sad mood. WHen they get to the roof, Bernard looks up at the sky, then the blue horizon, then at Lelinas face. He says they sky looks beautiful, and she agrees. After, she says bye to Bernard and runs across to Henry. Behind Bernard was Benito Hoover, with his red cheeks.

BNW Ch. 3 Notes

The tour is now outside in the playground with six or even hundred naked children running around. They play a game called Bumble-puppy. The game involved a chrome steel tower and a rolling ball. The director explains how the kids used to entertain themselves with just a ball and a couple of sticks. Next, the group turns to a couple of young children playing a sexual game. The D.H.C calls this charming. A nurse sees this boy resisting the sexual play and he takes him to see the Assistant Superintendant of Psychology to see if anythng is abnormal. The director tells his group that the sexual play between children in B.F. was considered immoral. The group was completely shocked to see what kind of society this was.

Chapter 2 BNW notes

Ford is important to the the people because Ford is Christ to the society. Alpha children work hard and wear grey. Betas don't work as hard as the Alphas. Gammas are the "stupid" ones and wear green. Deltas wear khaki and Epsilons wear black and don't know how to read or write. hypnopædia is to learn by hearing while sleeping or under hypnosis The clones there are being hypnotized into only learning something specific and only saying one specific phrase. FOr example, in the book, a Beta is awakened to only repeat this phrase "  Alpha children wear grey They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm really awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I  don't  want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able read or write

Brave New WORLD - Notes of chapter one

"Near them three red ghosts were busily unloading demijohns from a moving staircase" The Bokanovsky process is when you shock an egg so that it divides into 96 embryos. Those embryos will then make 96 identical humans. Mr Foster was explaining to the students that they allow 30% of the female embryos to develop normally and the others will get a dose of male sex hormones  every 24 meters. He said that they eill grow  normal, but some may have beards. After this, he was abour ro say something he didnt want anyone to know. He said " We also predestine fsand condition. We decent our babies as socialized human beings, as Alphas or Epsilons as future sewage workers or future..." He paused here and was about to say "future World controllers" but rephrased himself to "future directors of Hatcheries"  Now, why would he have wanted to say "Future World controllers"?

CHapter 1 BNW notes

I got confused just on the first sentence but its interesting. This made us have a 5 minute talk just to summarize the first paragraph. Alphas, Betas, Deltas, Gammas and Epsilons are getting tested. "Responds by budding? "major instruments of social stability" planetary motto is "Community, Identity, Stability"


When it cones to bad behaviour, we should all try to avoid it in the future. The Brave New World is just like the old one, but we have to rewrite it ourselves. The most serious defect in the story is this; the Savage is offered only two alternatives, as insane life in Utopia, or the life of a primitive in an Indian Village, a life more human in some respects, but others hardly less queer and abnormal. When the book was written, humans were given a free will to choose between insanity, or lunacy. Savage chose insanity, which in the end caused him to commit suicide. Huxley feels like the choices are too limiting, and tbat sanity should be an option " a society composed of freely co-operating i dividuals devoted to the pursuit of sanity".


Chapter One: Question 1) How does Nick know the characters Tom and Daisy? Question 2) How are we first introduced to Gatsby when Nick first see him? Chapter Two: Question 1) What exactly is the "Valley of Ashes"? and what does it mean? Question 2) Why has Tom not left Daisy and married Myrtle yet? Chapter Three: Question 1) What rumors are made about Gatsby and who made the rumor up? Question 2) What is Nick's cardinal virtue? Chapter Four: Question 1) What are a few things Gatsby tell Nick about himself? Question 2) What did Daisy do during her wedding day and why?

Gatsby Chapter 3 - summarized

In chapter 3, Nick is telling us how his neighbor Gatsby throws a party every week at his house and how he always prepares for it. Nick finally received an invitation to one of Gatsby's parties. This makes Nick very impressed because he was one of the few people that was invited to the party. Some people don't even get invited to the party, and Nick notices that people just show up because they all assume there's a party going on. Nick gets to the party, and tries to find Gatsby. No one seemed to know Gatsby himself, but they are Guests of the house. (1) Nick unexpectedly runs into Jordan and they chat. They talk about Gatsby and how there are so many rumors about him, one being how he killed a man.Nick then runs into a man and has a chat with him. After a good time, Nick realizes, the person he is talking to is actually Gatsby. Nick was embarrassed at first, but Gatsby let it slide. Gatsby invited Nick to go up to his hydroplane in the morning. (2) Nick is then left alone,

Gatsby Notes

Manhattan to Long Island- No mans land aka Valley of ashes: ashed take the forms of chimney and houses, the men who move grimly and through the air. The eyes are a symbol, the symbol wants to see everything. The valley of ashes is where a lot of things happen. Characters are trying to be someone they really arent. Tom was drinking, and doesnt get any friendlier. He forced Nick to go meet his mistress and so Nick is forced to go. TOm is taking Wilsons wife without him even knowing. TOM BREAKS MYRTLES NOSE

GATSBY Pages 22-29

Half way between West Egg and New York City is a plain gray valley that is used to dump New York's ashes.There are men that live there and work to shovel the ashes. Doctor T. J Eckleburg is overhead, watching everything that happens in the valley of ashes. A commuter train goes from West Egg and New York passes through the valley of ashes. One day, Tom and Nick were on their way the the city. Tom forced Nick to get out at a stop and Tom lead Nick to George Wilson's garage.


So, there are a good amount of sexist/gender quotes in The Great Gatsby. One example of a character that is sexist is actually in the journal topic. When the mom was hoping for her daughter to be a fool of a girl when she grows up. She hopes this because she thinks the foolish, beautiful females get more attention. I believe this is a sexist thing to say, especially to your daughter. Another example is "The only completely stationary object in the room was an enormous couch on which two young women were buoyed up as though upon an anchored balloon" (p.8/2) So Tom is pretty much making fun of the women I also found another example which is Nick talking to himself, " I enjoyed looking at her. She was a slender, small breasted girl, with an erect carriage, which she accentuated by throwing her body backward at the shoulders like a young cadet." (p.11) Nick is giving his view on womans physical appearance here.


Reflection: I felt really awkward towards this section. The people that are there talking such as Daisy, Tom, Miss Baker and Nick. The first reason i felt weird was because Daisy had a 3 year old daughter with her while she was drinking. Now, this isnt the bad thing, what got me confused was when she was talking to Nick, and it wasnt until the end when she introduced her 3 year old daughter. This makes me feel like she is a careless person, because that's her own child that she almost forgot about. I also had got sketched out when we were introduced to the butler by Daisy. Daisy had told Nick that the butler was not always just a butler, no, he actually was a silver polisher, until it began to take an affect on his nose. Now i found this weird, because i just wondered \why would we need to know that.


This book was made in 1925. This was in the "Roaring Twenties" age. The reason for this name is because there were a lot of parties and the people had hope for a good future. Nick is the name of the narrator. He is talking to us and this was something that was rare back then. He is our tour guide and fills us in with what had happened back then. He wants to feel like he is with us right now and not back then. He is a good listener and lived in Long Island. epigraph: the quote that the author uses that will set the tone for the book "Gatsby turned out alright in the end"


Hopepunk: This is a trend towards optimism and positivity in desperate times. This style is supposed to represent gentleness in us humans while at bad times. this genre came to be because of the current president Trump and his apocalyptic change. This genre is a storytelling way to show resistance and keeping true to who you are at all costs.


Genre: section of categories that is dependent on what style a specific subject is, such as music or literature Naturalism: this can be a theory that represents a accurate picture based off the details given or known. Realism: a good style of representing familiar things as they actually are Modernism: Naturalism, Realism, and Modernism: What is the difference between these? These are all a movement in literary, but they are different to each other. Realism is supposed to be a representation about real life with a more philosophical view. Naturalism is sought to represent real life, but with more science behind it. What i mean with more science, is pretty much we try to break it down Modernism is supposed to have the author pretty much talking to the reader and compare with each other. naturalism: extreme form or realism. Of Mice and Men is an example. Both had to deal with economy and slave labors. Lenny had to deal with himself because he wasnt all there but he had to deal wi


The way we look has nothing to do with our character. Just because a person may look lonely, doesnt mean they are hate people. This can give us a clue about the person, but not enough to judge the person or give them negative comments. The link i clicked on was " How We Humanize Each Other" and i found this really interesting because i can actually relate to this! I see how the writer exclaims us humans always wanting the better for a person rather than seeing them suffer. I too love to see someone better themselves and try to help that person. Some people in this day and age want to see someone fail, and they would do anything to see them fall.


I went to the search engine DuckDuckGo to research these short stories and the novel. I went searching for a random link, and came across then clicked on great short stories. One short story that caught my attention was The Haunted Mind By: Nathaniel Hawthorne. The second short story was The Last Fight in the Coliseum  By: Charlotte M. Yonge. Lastly, i searched up on DuckDuckGo Interesting Novels. The website i went to was The novel i chose was Dark Places By: Gillian Flynn


My experience: I usually work alone all the time. Even if the teacher makes us be in partners, no one really wants to be with me. Ive always been that way, and got used to just being alone. What i do like doing is talking to my friends about an idea. I like to express my thoughts and rather have someone to to communicate with, rather than be in my own world. Of course, i have recently been by myself, but i dont mind it. No, my experience is not even close to the Paul Simon video. I dont have his freedom in this prison we have to enter. Yes, im referring to school.