
ELEMENT 1: You have been treated as colleagues and you have been given a great deal of choice in this course; this represents a high level of trust.  Did you and the others deserve it?  Earn it?  Honor it?  

The others and I would definitely say we earned it. Whether we did a good job or not, we still stuck to the routine and tried to get stuff done. I tried my hardest to not forget, and though sometimes i wouldnt feel worthy to post, i tried my best.

ELEMENT 2: Fiction has been called "the lie that tells the truth."  Which works, authors, or characters did you read this year that rang true enough to make you feel like they described parts of you and/or your journey? (Please mention at least three.  It makes them sad when we forget them.)
In this class, we have reached out to so many amazing new topics for me to learn about. I would have to say the music and the dreamland topic really connected to my journey because at that time, i was listening to a lot of emo rap music, and this played a huge role in my journey.

ELEMENT 3: Have you re/connected with a passion that drives you?  If so, how will you continue your learning?  If not, how will you proceed?
I have recently connected to gaming again. Towards the beginning of 2019, i started to question myself and stopped playing for a while. Now, i feel like i have a plan to go by, and i proceed to get better.
ELEMENT 4: [Something about literature or this course that made you laugh out loud.]
moments where i was about to laugh were when Dr.Preston started going off on some kids and was joking around. I enjoy moments like this because we are all enjoying our class time together and no one gets hurt in the end.
ELEMENT 5: [A unifying theme that runs through a minimum of five (5) presentations; a quality of the content, or the speakers, or their communication techniques that strikes you as something important that we have in common.]  Please illustrate/support your point with specific examples from the presentations.

ELEMENT 6: Evaluate whether you completed the hero's journey.  Are you a hero?  To what extent did you respond to the call of adventure?  Did you find a mentor, conquer a challenge, and return enlightened?
i have not completed the hero's journey yet. I am my own hero. My call to adventure came because i told myself to try and be happy. I had conquered the challenges that made me relapse on myself, i had gotten rid of my problems first, and then i focused on whats going on around me.
ELEMENT 7: For old time's sake, sneak in a literary technique.  Don't make a big deal out of it.  I'll know it's there.
My teacher has me going crazy, im going to turn into the Incredible Hulk.


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