Brave New World Essay

     In Brave New World, a character who conforms outwardly but is questioned inwardly would have to be John. John is an alpha who is supposed to be this top dog, in this higher class group, though he was made with a little bit of alcohol in his blood surrogate. Bernard is also different from the alphas because he would rather be alone in nature, and rejects taking soma. In the following passage i will explain how Bernard from Brave New World is closely related to a real human, and how he is different.
     Bernard Marx was created an alpha, but had a little alcohol mixed with his blood surrogate. This is the reason why Bernard is pretty much the outcast of the story. He was meant to be the main group of the Brave New World, but only to be rejected by all of them because he doesnt meet the requirements of an alpha. Instead, Bernard is smaller than all the alphas and wishes he could just fit in with them. This makes him become anti-social with all the others, because he is shorter than all the other alphas, his voice is not as deep, and he has a problem with his insecurities.
     Bernard and Lenina were one day talking about nature and how he loves to be looking at it, while Lenina does not. They were both created in a society that was made to reject loving nature and the outside world. Bernard, however, has a strong passion with nature and believes there is more to life that he thinks. This gives Bernard a different story than all the other groups in the Brave New World because they were made to not have feelings, and to not care but Bernard does. He wants to be like a normal human, with feelings and emotions but the society he lives in does not accept that and can get him in big trouble. This is why Bernard hides all this from everyone, until he spills more to Lenina and gets too comfortable, later on exposing his true identity.
     We can see that Bernard loves to be alone most of the time. This is due to his insecurities, but he still works hard. He is not into taking soma because he dislikes the thought of a drug taking over the body and he believes the soma brings out a part of himself that he wants to hide. Bernard also does not like to have any type of sexual acts. He does not like how the society just goes around and have sex with whoever they want to. He would rather have a more serious type of relationship, wiht true feelings and emotions, though no one in the Brave New World is supposed to have these feelings. Bernard started having regrets the day after having sex with Lenina. He feels this way because he wanted to wait it out until they were in a real relationship, but Lenina didn't know what a relationship was. Just like everyone else in the Brave New World.
     Bernard Marx is considered an outcast in the Brave New World, but it never really felt like he was an outsider. He wouldnt get along with people that well, but he tried his best to be good at his job. Bernard was made an alpha but with different features. He is a unique character that conforms outwardly, but is questioned inwardly.


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