Brave New WORLD - Notes of chapter one

"Near them three red ghosts were busily unloading demijohns from a moving staircase"
The Bokanovsky process is when you shock an egg so that it divides into 96 embryos. Those embryos will then make 96 identical humans. Mr Foster was explaining to the students that they allow 30% of the female embryos to develop normally and the others will get a dose of male sex hormones  every 24 meters. He said that they eill grow  normal, but some may have beards. After this, he was abour ro say something he didnt want anyone to know. He said " We also predestine fsand condition. We decent our babies as socialized human beings, as Alphas or Epsilons as future sewage workers or future..." He paused here and was about to say "future World controllers" but rephrased himself to "future directors of Hatcheries"
 Now, why would he have wanted to say "Future World controllers"?


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