Brave New World ch 6 notes

Lelina is thinking about Bernard, but she finds him odd. Shes thinking whether she should cancel her trip to Mexico but she doesnt. She ends up spending time with him but he isnt a fan of all the popular games and activities saying they are too crowded and hed rather talk to her alone. She ends up convincing him to go to the semi-demi-finals of the Women's Heavy Weight wrestling championship. Bernard was unfriendly to the people she introduced him to and he refused taking soma. She tries to convince him to take soma but he wants her to look at the sky, though she is scared. Bernard wishes he was free, explaining to her that he feels trapped and wants to break free. She doesnt understand and offers him soma again. Bernard gave up and takes the soma. They are then in back of their rooms and take a lot more soma, before they know it, they are having sex


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