1. Bernard asks John if he wants to go to London with him to embarrass the director and tell him that he's Johns father
2. Linda loves to have sex often with many men, even those who are married. The people at the reservation werent taught to be that free so they punish her. John had to suffer from this too because he felt like he was alone and not accepted by those at the reservation.
3. The pope brings Linda The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
4. John hated the pope, more than anything in the world. He caught Linda and the pope in bed and got furious and started to stab the pope. When the pope grabbed onto Johns hand, he just looked at him and laughed calling him a "brave Ahaiyuta"
5. The allusion is in this
"Nay, but to live
In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,
Stew'd in corruption, honeying and making love
Over the nasty sty …" 
This refers to Linda in how she is constantly having sex
6. The experiences John that to make him feel alone were the people at the Reservation. He was never accepted by those people there because of the things his own mom did. He sees these 2 couple get married and reflect on himself and how no one there likes him.
8.Bernard tells John that the he should go with him so the Director could see what is happening to his son.
9.  (still not done)


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