BNW Ch.4 Notes

Lelina is a popular girl who walks in a room full of Alpha Males. She pretty much spent the night with almost all of them. When she sees George Edzel, she wishes his ears werent so big and when she sees Benito Hoover she remember he is too hairy with his clothes off. Lelina spots a boy named Bernard Marx in a small corner looking sad. In a loud voice, she goes over to him announcing how she wants to go on a trip to New Mexico with him. Bernard agrees with her on the trip, but he was confused as to why she said that in front of everyone. Bernard questioned Lelina about this, but she just giggled and exclaimed, "How funny are you!" They ride a lift together to the top of the roof, but Bernard is no longer in a sad mood. WHen they get to the roof, Bernard looks up at the sky, then the blue horizon, then at Lelinas face. He says they sky looks beautiful, and she agrees. After, she says bye to Bernard and runs across to Henry. Behind Bernard was Benito Hoover, with his red cheeks. Benito offers him some soma, but Bernard just rushed away. Bernard and Lelina are now in the helicopter. They rose above London and flew over park-land.


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