Conscience of a Hacker

We recently read "Conscience of a Hacker" and it interest me on how different people think. The author gives us different perspectives from a hacker to a normal human being and gives us different sides to stories to help us get his point. I will be explaining how he does that in a "Conscience of a Hacker".
        The author gives a 2 different perspectives, one being from the hackers themselves, and the other being the humans who do not hack or do not know anything about hacking. The author wants us to understand that a human always thinks negative about a hacker, whether its them doing something bad, or saving ones life, they always think negative, especially if its a kid. Then form the hackers perspective, its the opposite. The hacker always is trying to be positive because he feels like he isn't good enough for the real world, as if he gets kicked out of it. Explains why he is hacking in the first place. These points of views vary from how you look at it, but you need to know both sides of the story in order to understand why it is they dislike each other.
        The sides to the hacker and the non hackers are different in many ways. One being the way they think, but also how they do things. The hacker, of course does his own personal things on computer and the non hacker hates that. They think the hacker is the bad guy, and yes, they are if they hack into private info, but if they just do their own thing, the person should ask before jumping to conclusion. Then going to what the person does, he usually gets, mad for what the hacker is saying about them. And it switched off, back and forth.
      The author makes these character so different from each other when in reality, were all humans, we are all alike. Their perspectives are, also very different and the way they think makes it to where they, don't like each other.


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