
Showing posts from September, 2018

Young Goodman Brown and A Dream Within a Dream

       The story "Young Goodman Brown" and the poem "Dream Within A Dream"  can make us think about how we look at dreaming. The stories have many in common, though they also have other things that are different from each other.       The story " Young Goodman Brown" and the poem "Dream Within A Dream" make us look at the fact how we dream and what is going on. Both of them have a realistic feeling to them as if we were in the setting. They also dont tell us the readers that they both take place in a dream, we had to figure that out for ourselves. This is a nice feature they put in their writings and they keep us the readers really entertained. Also it makes us eager to find out what the concept is. Young Goodman Brown and A Dream Within A Dream are both alike because they have a concept of making the reading a dream but they dont actually tell us.       Young Goodman Brown is different from A Dream Within A Dream because of the setting and the

Young Goodman Brown

These are my answers to the "Young Goodman Brown" questions. 1.  What do you think Hawthorne's purpose was for writing this story?        I think his purpose in writing this story was to explain to us that we all have different mind sets. Many of us have a different way of seeing the world, and also have different ways of expressing ourselves to the world. 2. Hawthorne states that Brown's wife is "aptly named" Faith.  After reading the story, do you agree?  Does Faith's name fit her personality?  Does Brown have true faith in her?    Yes, i agree and feel like Faith's name fits her personality. The writer did a good job in setting this character up with the story in how Brown had to leave his Faith behind. Since his wife's name is Faith, we the readers look at it as if he left his wife, and he lost his faith in himself. 3. What do you think the pink ribbons signify? I think the pink ribbons signify that faith will always be wi


Young Goodman Brown was not dreaming in the story. This story seemed way to real to even be a dream. When he was on his walk, he felt off about his surroundings and didn't feel comfortable. This meaning he was scared, but he actually felt fear, not like in dreams where you cant feel much. And even the day after this had all happened, Young Goodman Brown was not normal. He had been scared of everyone  and felt as if everyone had a bad side to him. He lived on to always feel this way, to everyone, yes even to his wife Faith. Now this is the reason i believe it was not a dream, because if it were just a dream, he it wouldn't have any impacts on how he looks at other people. But because it was never a dream, and it was reality, his life got changed, all of it is changed.

The Making Of An Essay

When i was writing the essay about 'Conscience of a Hacker" I took a good 2 days to plan my writing. When I got to the writing, i was on a time crunch which didn't let me put much effort into it, but i had to turn it in as it was. Though i did have 3 full day to do it, i'm not always allowed to get all my homework done due to family. There are also times where i want to have time to relax myself, whether that is taking a nap, or hanging out with friend or even having fun on my Xbox. While i was making the essay, i had to try and be flexible with the people in the story and think about how their minds are different. I also had to make connections, relate in how i am like the teachers, or how i am like the hacker. Thinking flexibly was important for me to see both sides of their story and sum it all up in the essay.

Conscience of a Hacker

We recently read "Conscience of a Hacker" and it interest me on how different people think. The author gives us different perspectives from a hacker to a normal human being and gives us different sides to stories to help us get his point. I will be explaining how he does that in a "Conscience of a Hacker".         The author gives a 2 different perspectives, one being from the hackers themselves, and the other being the humans who do not hack or do not know anything about hacking. The author wants us to understand that a human always thinks negative about a hacker, whether its them doing something bad, or saving ones life, they always think negative, especially if its a kid. Then form the hackers perspective, its the opposite. The hacker always is trying to be positive because he feels like he isn't good enough for the real world, as if he gets kicked out of it. Explains why he is hacking in the first place. These points of views vary from how you look at it, b